De « Dry needling » is een zeer efficiente therapie voor de behandeling van triggerpunten. Het kan de manuele behandeling vervangen maar deze beide technieken zijn zeeraanvullend. Om beter de T.P., verantwoordelijk van de symptomen, te deactiveren hebben we er de energetische afleiding door de meridianen van de traditionele chinese geneeskunde aan toegevoegd.
The dry needling is a very effective therapy for the treatment of trigger
points (myofascialtherapy). It can be done instead of manual treatment but these two techniques arehowever very complementary. To this we added the movement, the energetic derivationby the
meridians of the traditional chinese medicine as well as the use of specificfrequencies according to the location of the pain.This concept makes our course really unique.This course is divided
into 3 seminars of 2 days.
Course Plan
In order to avoid the loss of time concerning the theory about the important measures of safety and hygiene to
respect during the use of needles this one will be send to you by email beforehand.
1st day (from 2pm to 7pm)
Mechanims and effects of D.N. Body electricity, acupuncture meridians Blader (Bl), Kidney(Ki), Liver (Le), Gall blader (GB), Stomach (St), Spleen (Sp), Concept vessel (CV or Jenn Mo), Governor
vessel GV or Tou Mo) and the points of attraction and alarm. Mechanisms and effects of the frequencies. Anatomical recall, T.P. location, referred pain (RP), D.N. and B-E-St Energetic Derivation,
Movement and Frequencies of the thoraco-lumbar muscles with special attention to lumbago, hernia and disc protusion.
2nd day (from 9am to 4.30pm)
Anatomical recall, TP location, referred pain (RP), D.N. and B-E-St Energetic Derivation, Movement and Frequencies of the muscles of the hip and lower limb with a special attention to piriformis
muscle syndrome, the patellofemoral problems, Achilles tendinitis, compartment syndrome, plantar fascitis and calcaneal spines.
1st day
Acupuncture meridians Heart (He), Small Intestine (SI), Lung (Lg), Large Intestine (Li), Heart Constrictor (HC orthosympathicus), Triple Heater (TH parasympathicus) and the points of attraction
and alarm. Anatomical recall, TP location, RP, D.N and B-E-St Energetic Derivation, Movement and Frequencies of the shoulder and upper limb with a special attention for frozen
shoulder, tennis and golfers elbow, thump tendinitis.
2nd day
Anatomical recall, TP location, RP, D.N and B-E-St Energetic Derivation, Movement and Frequencies of abdominal, neck, pelvic floor with a special attention for pubalgy, torticoli, headaches,
coccyx pain.
1st day
Anatomical recall, TP lacation, RP, D.N and B-E-St Energetic Derivation, Movement and Frequencies of the temporomandibular joint and face muscles. Nerves compressions of the lower limb.
2nd day
D.N. and B-E-St Energetic Derivation, Movement and Frequencies of the nerves compressions of the upper limb and head, trigger point chains and particular points “the barrier points.